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Welcome to JonesX, a division of JONEScience
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Welcome to Mr. Jones’ site. Congratulations on your new career as intern here at JonesX, learn more about us and see what your year is going to look like…
What is JonesX?
JonesX is an aeronautical education company dedicated to solving the industries major future problems. We solve some of the biggest challenges that all humanity will face. Look below for more information about our upcoming year in 8th grade science…
1. How can science and engineering practices guide us to make feasible and useful solutions?
What else?
We must look for multiple ways to solve these complex challenges here in K3. Here’s a network computer powering Mr. Jones’ computer.
Original public domain image from Flickr
2. Earths Neighbors, the Moon and Solar System
How does planetary motion occur? What resources surround us? How does this affect us now? What can be utilized for the future?
3. Communicating massive distances through intersteller space
The nature of the electromagnetic spectrum, how can it be utilized for space communication. What secrets are held within the light itself.
4. Human Genetics
Due to the complex demands upon the human body, how can genes be manipulated to survive the harshness of space.
5. E.T.
How have species changed over time? What can be expect for extraterrestrial life? What might life look like on another planet?
6. Aeronautics and Rocketry
Understanding motion, forces and energy to complete our journey and develop methods for space transportation and safe delivery of human astronauts.
Science and Engineering practices are the key to get us to our goals…
Asking the right questions, developing engineering drawings and detailed models
Carrying our tests and investigations, interpreting data, using computational thinking
Constructing explanations to complex problems
Arguing our case, and communicating it with the world…
Our end of year goals involve being able to successfully launch a rocket, maintain its trajectory, land safely, and communicate with its passengers
- Further challenges involve long term survival at low gravity
- Evolution of species and how life can exist on other planets
- Developing a detailed and complete understanding of our place in the solar system and beyond
EM Spectrum
- Simulated rescue missions
- Case studies looking at the latest in biomedical research and CRISPR technologies
- Exploring the electromagnetic spectrum to understand the mysteries hidden within the light and how to solve interstellar communications