Mission 1 Nature of Science (Understanding the SEPs)

Reaction Time Table

Reactions Lab- Developing your own Lab with strict controls, defined independent and dependent variables. The following tests are here to help you with this task; they are way for you to test reaction time but they ARE NOT the experiment… someone trying to improve their time is not the purpose, instead you might create an experiment to compare scenarios/environment/or other factors and how they affect your reactions. Continue with caution, DO NOT PRACTICE(!):

Mr.Jones’ Reaction Color Test

JonesX Reaction Time Test

JonesX Reaction Time Test

Astronauts need quick reflexes to respond to unexpected events in space. Test your reaction time to see if you have what it takes to join the JonesX Space Agency!

Reaction Timer Test

JonesX Countdown Timer Reaction Test

JonesX Countdown to Lifetoff! Timer Reaction Test

In space missions, precise timing is critical. Can you stop the countdown as close to zero as possible? Test your reaction time!


Create your own lab. Utilize this document to come up with ideas!